From Thursday the 17th to Saturday 19th of December 2009, the International Conference
MODEL-BASED REASONING IN SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Abduction Logic and Computational Discovery Chair: Lorenzo Magnani, Walter Carnielli, Claudio Pizzi
took place at the State University of Campinas – UNICAMP in the town of Campinas, Brazil.
The conference derived from a research cooperation between theState University of Campinas – UNICAMP, the Department of Philosophy of the University of Pavia (Italy) and the department of Philosophy and Social Sciences of the University of Siena (Italy) and continued the themes both of the Conferences “Model-Based Reasoning in Scientific Discovery” MBR’98, “Model-Based Reasoning: Scientific Discovery, Technological Innovation, and Values” MBR’01, “Model-Based Reasoning in Science and Engineering: Abduction, Visualization, and Simulation” MBR’04, and “Model-Based Reasoning in Science and Medicine”, 2006. The conference dealt with the logical, epistemological, and cognitive aspects of modeling practices employed in science and cognitive science, including logical and computational models of such practices. We solicited papers that examine the role of abduction, visualization, simulation, etc. in model-based reasoning from philosophical, historical, sociological, psychological, or computational perspectives. The conference was also devoted to examine the impact of Model-Based Reasoning research in the enhancement of various kinds of human cognitive skills, mental, hybrid, manipulatory, etc.
We call for papers that cover topics pertaining to model-based reasoning in science and human cognition from the following list:
- affordances, artifacts, and model-based reasoning,
- brain, neuroscience, and model-based reasoning,
- abduction, logical analyses related to model-based reasoning,
- visual, spatial, imagistic modeling and reasoning,
- simulative modeling,
- the role of diagrammatic representations,
- computational models of visual and simulative reasoning,
- causal and counterfactual reasoning in model construction,
- visual analogy,
- thought experimenting,
- manipulative reasoning,
- distributed model-based reasoning,
- embodiment in model-based reasoning,
- model-based reasoning in scientific discovery and conceptual change,
- model-based reasoning and ethics,
- model-based reasoning and semiotics,
- model-based reasoning in scientific explanation,
- model-based medical diagnosis,
- model-based reasoning in environment,
- evolution, development, model-based reasoning and traditional South-American cultures,
- model-based reasoning in engineering and robotics,
- model-based reasoning and technological artifacts,
- model-based reasoning and knowledge management,
- model-based reasoning and information technology,
- the role of models in scientific and technological thinking.