Ninth International MBR Conference


​Inferences & Models in Science, Logic, Language, and Technology

7-9 June 2023 – Rome, Italy


The International Conference ‘MODEL-BASED REASONING, ABDUCTIVE COGNITION, CREATIVITY. Inferences & Models in Science, Logic, Language, and Technology’ was held at Sapienza University of Rome, from Wednesday 7th to Friday 9th of June 2023. The conference was organized by the Department of Humanities, Philosophy Section and Computational Philosophy Lab of the University of Pavia and the Department of Philosophy of Sapienza University of Rome.


The conference explored the logical, epistemological, and cognitive aspects of the modeling practices employed in science, technology, and cognitive science, including logical and computational models of such practices. We solicit papers that examine the model-based reasoning from philosophical, logical, epistemological, historical, sociological, psychological, or computational perspectives. The conference also covered the impact of model-based reasoning to enhance human cognitive skills— mental, hybrid, manipulative, etc.

Relevant Research Areas

We call for papers in the following areas:
– General theoretical and cognitive issues in model-based reasoning
– Models as fictions, distortions, credible worlds
– Creative reasoning
– Models and games of make-believe
– Ontology of models
– Affordances, artifacts, and model-based reasoning
– Brain, neuroscience, and model-based reasoning
– Abduction
– Abduction, morality, and violence
– Abduction and secrecy
– Logical analyses related to model-based reasoning
– Inferences, interaction and duality in logic and language
– Visual, spatial, imagistic modeling and reasoning
– Simulative modeling
– Surrogative reasoning
– The role of diagrammatic reasoning
– Computational models of visual and simulative reasoning
– Causal and counterfactual reasoning in model construction
– Visual analogy
– Thought experiments
– Manipulative reasoning
– Distributed model-based reasoning
– Distributed cognition, embodiment, and model-based reasoning
– Models of rationality and inference patterns in decision making
– Model-based reasoning in scientific discovery and conceptual change
– Model-based reasoning and ethics
– Model-based reasoning and finance
– Model-based reasoning and economics
– Model-based reasoning and history of philosophy
– Model-based reasoning and semiotics
– Model-based reasoning in scientific explanation
– Model-based medical diagnosis
– Model-based reasoning in engineering and robotics
– Model-based reasoning and technological artifacts
– Model-based reasoning and knowledge management
– Model-based reasoning and information technology
– The role of models in scientific and technological thinking
– Model-based reasoning and learning
– Model-based reasoning and language


Two books are in the works:
1) E. Ippoliti, L. Magnani, and S. Arfini (eds.), Model-Based Reasoning, Abductive Cognition, Creativity. Inferences & Models in Science, Logic, Language, and Technology Series “Sapere”, Springer.
2) Moreover, as graciously suggested by Otávio Bueno, one book of papers (upon invitation) from the symposium “Abduction, Reason & Science: A Symposium in Celebration of the 70th Birthday of Lorenzo Magnani” will be published in the Synthese Library Book (Springer).
3) One or two special issue(s) of the Logic Journal of the IGPL, E. Ippoliti, L. Magnani, and S. Arfini (eds.) are also planned, to host the more technical submissions.