Riccardo Dossena's home page

Riccardo Dossena was born in Milan, Italy, on 1975. He graduated in Mathematics at the University of Pavia. In 2001 he was a member of the Local Organizing Committee of the International Conference "Model-Based Reasoning: Scientific Discovery, Technological Innovation, Values" (Pavia) and he collaborated on editing the relative prooceedings books. Now, he is a High School Mathematics and Physics teacher and he collaborate on the Computational Philosophy Laboratory Research Program at the Department of Philosophy at the University of Pavia. His main research interests are Non-standard Analysis, Mathematical Logic, Set Theory, Model Theory, Philosophy of Science and Cognitive Sciences applied to Mathematics and Calculus in particular.

My Curriculum Vitae (italian - pdf version)

Some papers

Il mondo iperreale attraverso i microscopi ottici (Italian - VI giornata nazionale di Analisi Non Standard nelle scuole superiori, Lucca 2016)

Perceiving the Infinite and the Infinitesimal World: Unveiling and Optical Diagrams in the Construction of Mathematical Concepts (COGSCI 2003 - Boston)

Introduzione all'Analisi Non-Standard (Italian)

Un modello dei numeri iperreali (Italian)

L'analisi non-standard - Il calcolo da Leibniz a Robinson (Italian - Seminario del 21 aprile 2010 nell'ambito del corso di Filosofia della scienza (c.p.) - titolare prof. Lorenzo Magnani)

Estremi vincolati ed hessiano orlato (Italian)

Il nastro di Möbius (Italian)

My Academia.edu page.

My LaTeX package

The old-arrows package (2.0 2017-01-05) - Computer Modern old-style arrows with smaller arrowheads, available from the Comprehensive TeX Archive Network (CTAN).

Pagina web per la scuola superiore (Italian)

To contact me: riccardo.dossena@unipv.it


  1. R. Dossena, 2017, Il mondo iperreale attraverso i microscopi ottici, in: VI Giornata di studio Analisi Non Standard per le scuole superiori - Lucca, 1 ottobre 2016, Atti del convegno, Matematicamente.it, pp. 83-100.

  2. R. Dossena and L. Magnani, 2007, Mathematics through diagrams: microscopes in non-standard and smooth analysis, in: L. Magnani and P. Li, eds., 2007, Model-Based Reasoning in Science, Technology, and Medicine, Series "Studies in Computational Intelligence", Vol. 64, Springer, Berlin/New York, pp. 193-213.

  3. L. Magnani and R. Dossena, 2005, Perceiving the infinite and the infinitesimal world: unveiling and optical diagrams and the construction of mathematical concepts, Foundations of Science, 10:7-23.

  4. L. Magnani and R. Dossena, eds., 2005, Computing, Philosophy and Cognition, College Publications, London.

  5. L. Magnani e R. Dossena (a cura di), 2003, Felix Klein: il Programma di Erlangen, PRISTEM/Storia. Note di Matematica, Storia, Cultura, vol. 7, Springer-Verlag, Milano.

  6. L. Magnani and R. Dossena, 2003, Perceiving the infinite and the infinitesimal world: Unveiling and optical diagrams and the construction of mathematical concepts, in: Proceedings of CogSci2003, CD-ROM produced by X-CD Technologies, Boston, MA.

  7. L. Magnani, M. Piazza, and R. Dossena, 2003, The logic of discovery in the cyberage, Computing and Philosophy Conference (CAP 2003), Department of Philosophy and HATII (Humanities Advanced Technology Information Institute), University of Glasgow, Glasgow, UK, 27-29 March 2003.

  8. L. Magnani, M. Piazza, and R. Dossena, 2002, Abduction as a rational means to creativity: Unexpressed knowledge and scientific discovery, in: C. Bento, A. Cardoso, and G.A. Wiggins, Workshop Creative Systems: Approaches to Creativity in AI and Cognitive Science, ECAI 2002, Lyon, pp. 9-16.

  9. L. Magnani, M. Piazza, and R. Dossena, 2002, Epistemic mediators and chance morphodynamics, 2nd Workshop on Chance Discovery (CDWS2), in: A. Abe (ed.), Proceedings of PRICAI-02 Conference, Working Notes of the 2nd International Workshop on Chance Discovery, Tokyo, pp. 38-46.

  10. L. Magnani, M. Piazza, and R. Dossena, 2002, The extra-theoretical dimension of creativity. Extracting and manipulating information by abduction, in: S. Lange, K. Satoh, C.H. Smith (eds.), Discovery Science, 5th International Conference, DS2002, Lubeck, Germany, Nov. 24-26, 2002, pp. 441-448.

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