Abstract su atti congressuali (dal 2004)
Avvelenamento da Cianuri.
Locatelli CA, Giampreti A, Lonati D, Petrolini VM, Vecchio S.
Atti del Congresso: Second Italian Great Network Congress, Roma 18-21 October 2011
Quanto ci costa l’inquinamento ?
Spaghi S.
In Ambiente e Salute nella Provincia di Pavia, Assessorato alla Tutela Ambientale della Provincia di Pavia, 2011.
The Italian National Early Warning System for drugs of abuse: the toxicovigilance on new psychoactive substances.
Locatelli CA, Serpelloni G, Macchia T, Rimondo C, Seri C.
XXXI International Congress of the European Association of Poisons Centres and Clinical Toxicologists, Dubrovnik; 24-27 Maggio 2011. Pubblicato in: Clinical Toxicology 49: 215-216, 2011.
Evolution Of Clinical Features And Management Of Viper-Bitten Patients In Italy.
Giampreti A, Lonati D, Locatelli CA, Rognoni C, Vecchio S, Petrolini VM, Bigi S, Mazzoleni M, Buscaglia E, Manzo L.
17 th Congress of the European Section of the International Society of Toxinology, Valencia 11-15 Settembre 2011.
Portal vein air embolism after hydrogen peroxide ingestion: an unexpected complication or an uderdiagnosed finding?
Geddo A, Vignazia G, Della Corte F, Garrè S, Casagranda I, Locatelli C.
Sixth Mediterranean Emergency Medicine Congress (MEMC VI), Kos, Greece, 10-14 Settembre 2011.
Le intossicazioni da monossido di carbonio. Riconoscimento e terapia.
Lonati D, Aloise M, Petrolini V, Vecchio S, Giampreti A, Bigi S, Locatelli C, Manzo L.
Itinerari di Pronto Soccorso 2011. Congresso SIMEU Regionale, Pavia 27-28 Maggio 2011, p. 31.
Italian viper envenomation complicated by multiple splenic infarctions.
Bigi S, Locatelli CA, Petrolini VM, Vecchio S, Giampreti A, Lonati D, Mazzoleni M, Cappelli C, Manzo L.
Sixth Mediterranean Emergency Medicine Congress (MEMC VI), Kos, Greece, 10-14 Settembre 2011.
Latrodectus tredecimguttatus poisoning.
Petrolini VM, Vecchio S, Giampreti A, Lonati D, Bigi S, Sesti E, Locatelli CA.
The Sixth Mediterranean Emergency Medicine Congress (MEMC VI), Kos, Greece, 10-14 Settembre 2011.
Bitis parviocula (Ethiopian mountain adder) envenomation in Italy: role of the antidotic treatment.
Giampreti A, Petrolini VM, Lonati D, Vecchio S, Bigi S, Botti P, Peruzzi S, Smorlesi C, Buscaglia E, Manzo L, Locatelli CA.
Sixth Mediterranean Emergency Medicine Congress (MEMC VI), Kos, Greece, 10-14 Settembre 2011.
Prolonged vaginal retention of alkaline batteries and burn injury.
Giampreti A, Bigi S, Lonati D, Vecchio S, Cassani C, Petrolini VM, Babilonti L, Manzo L, Locatelli CA.
Sixth Mediterranean Emergency Medicine Congress (MEMC VI), Kos, Greece, 10-14 Settembre 2011.
Toxic epidermal necrolysis presenting as an ‘unimportant’ cutaneous rash without itch.
Zancan A, Lonati D, Sparpaglione D, Villani C, Giampreti A, Bigi S, Petrolini VM, Locatelli CA, Manzo L.
Sixth Mediterranean Emergency Medicine Congress (MEMC VI), Kos, Greece, 10-14 Settembre 2011.
Uso di sostanze e urgenze.
Locatelli CA.
Atti del Convegno: Bisogni emergenti in Psichiatria: dall’epigenetica al miglioramento degli esiti, Bormio 1-4 Aprile 2011: 51
Valutazione del rischio da esposizione a nanoparticelle.
Manzo L.
Workshop Nanotecnologie, Nanoparticelle e Salute Umana: Quali Evidenze?”, Direzione Generale della Sanità Militare, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Roma 3 Ottobre 2011.
Nanotoxicology contributes to responsible innovation.
Manzo L.
Int. Conf. NanotechItaly, Venice 23-25 November 2011.
Translocation and distant target-organ effects of inhaled nanomaterials. research approaches and results of pilot studies of cadmium-doped silica nanoparticles.
Coccini T, Roda E, De Simone U, Fabbri M, Gribaldo L, Manzo L.
Int. Conf. NanotechItaly, Venice 23-25 November 2011.
An integrated testing strategy to assess toxicity and safety characteristics of functionalized carbon nanotubes.
Coccini T, Roda E, Sarigiannis DA, Manzo L.
Int. Conf. NanotechItaly, Venice 23-25 November 2011.
Gene expression profiling in rat kidney after intratracheal exposure to cadmium-doped nanoparticles.
Coccini T, Roda E, Fabbri M, Sacco MG, Gribaldo L, Manzo L.
5th International Symposium on Nanotechnology, Occupational and Environmental Health, Boston 9-12 August.
Evaluation of cytotoxic effects after prolonged exposure of human astrocytoma cells to fructose-boronophenylalanine, a boron delivery drug for boron neutron capture therapy.
De Simone U, Coccini T, Roda E, Bakeine GJ, Ferrari C, Manzo L.
8th IBRO World Congress of Neuroscence, Florence, Italy, 14-18 July, Abs D096.
New synthetic cannabinoids intoxications in Italy: clinical identification and analythical confirmation of cases. MEMC VI, Kos, Greece, 10-14 Settembre 2011.
Locatelli CA, Lonati D, Giampreti A, Petrolini VM, Vecchio S, Rognoni C, Bigi S, Buscaglia E, Mazzoleni M, Manzo L, Papa P, Valli A, Raimondo C, Serpelloni G.
The Journal of Emergency Medicine 2011, 41: 220.
Un caso reazione avversa da difenilidantoina: la necrolisi epidermica tossica.
Zancan A, Lonati D, Vecchio S, Giampreti A.
Emergency Care Journal 2011 (1): 46.
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