Abstract su atti congressuali (dal 2004)
Are WeAligned With The International And National Guidelines?
Buscaglia E, Giampreti A, Locatelli CA, Lonati D, Mazzoleni M, Petrolini V, Vecchio S. Rabies:
Atti del Congresso: MEMC, VII Mediterranean Emergency Medicine Congress. Marsiglia 8 – 11 Set 2013: 518 PO697
Nanotoxicology and Safety Assessment of Nanopharmaceuticals.
Manzo L.
Scientific and Regulatory Challenges. Session Lecture, Green Technology for Medicinal Chemistry, Drug Discovery and Therapy World Congress, Boston MA, USA, 3-6- June 2013, abstr. p. 92-93
Nanotechnology, Human Health and the Environment.
Manzo L.
Safety Issues and Current Research Challenges. BIT’s 1st Frontier Industrial Forum-2013, Qingdao, China, October 24-25 2013, Abstr. p. 66
Research Trends in Toxicology and Environmental Medicine.
Manzo L.
Chinese Ministry of Health, National Center for Disease Control, Beijing. Invitedlecture, October 26 2013, Abstr
Dose adjustment of Trivalent Equine Antitoxin in the treatment of infant botulism.
Lonati D , Anniballi F , Petrolini V , Giampreti A ,De Medici D , Vecchio S , Buscaglia E , Manzo L ), Locatelli CA.
Atti del Congresso: 69° Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Pediatria, Bologna, 8-10 Maggio 2013, abstr.
Acute intoxication cases related to methoxetamine consumption in Italy: clinical and toxicological evidences.
Serpelloni G, Rimondo C, Seri C, Cavallini M, Macchia T, Locatelli C, Papa P, Botti P.
Atti del Congresso: Second International Conference on Novel Psychoactive Substances (NPS), Swansea UK, September 12-13th 2013, Keynote Speakers.
Acute intoxication cases related to methoxetamine consumption in Italy: Clinical and toxicological evidences.
Serpelloni G, Rimondo C, Seri C, Cavallini M, Macchia T, Locatelli CA , Papa P, Botti P.
NIDA, National Institute on Drug Abuse 2013.
Synthetic cannabinoids intoxication cases in Italy: analytical identification and clinical findings.
Serpelloni G, Rimondo C, Seri C, Macchia T, Locatelli CA, Lonati D, Giampreti A, Petrolini VM, Vecchio S, Rognoni C, Buscaglia E, Mazzoleni M, Manzo L, Papa P, Valli A.
NIDA, National Institute on Drug Abuse 2013
L’applicazione sugli scenari di esposizione.
Caldiroli A, Butera R, Manzo L.
Congresso AIDII, Pisa Giugno 2012
Intossicazione acuta mista da CO e cianuri. “Hot Topics “ in ossigenoterapia iperbarica.
Locatelli C, Petrolini V, Lonati D, Vecchio S, Giampreti A, Manzo L.
Salsomaggiore Terme 3 Dicembre 2011
La gestione in urgenza del paziente intossicato da farmaci e sostanze d’abuso. Disturbi affettivi in un mondo in rapido cambiamento.
Locatelli C, Petrolini V, Lonati D, Giampreti A, Vecchi S, Rognoni C.
Bormio; 1-4 aprile 2012
Absorption of elemental mercury by inhalation from broken clinical thermometers in heating sources: evaluation of a case series.
Giampreti A , Lonati D , Petrolini V , Vecchio S , Chiara F , Aloise M , Rognoni C , Ronchi A , Manzo L , Locatelli C.
XXXII International Congress of the European Association of Poisons Centers and Clinical Toxicologists, London ; 29 May–1 June 2012.
Prevalence of intoxication by new recreational drugs: preliminary data by the Italian network of emergency departments involved in the national early identification system.
Lonati D , Buscaglia E , Papa P , Petrolini V , Vecchio S , Giampreti A , Rocchi L , Chiara F , Aloise M , Rognoni C , Manzo L , Serpelloni G, Rimondo C , Macchia T, Locatelli CA.
XXXII International Congress of the European Association of Poisons Centers and Clinical Toxicologists, London ; 29 May–1 June 2012
Dose adjustment of Trivalent Equine Antitoxin in the treatment of infant botulism.
Lonati D , Fenicia L , Petrolini V , Giampreti A , Anniballi F , Vecchio S , Mazzoleni M , Maystrova O , Manzo L , Locatelli CA.
XXXII International Congress of the European Association of Poisons Centers and Clinical Toxicologists, London ; 29 May–1 June 2012.
Chronic elemental mercury poisoning by inhalation accompanied by positivity of a new biomarker in human.
Giampreti A , Locatelli C , Coccini T , Lonati D , Petrolini V , Vecchio S , Roda E , Acerbi D , Ronchi A , Apostoli P , Manzo L.
XXXII International Congress of the European Association of Poisons Centers and Clinical Toxicologists, London ; 29 May–1 June 2012
Drugs abuse in pediatric age: increasing trend in the 15 years experience of Pavia Poison Centre.
Chiara F, Giampreti A, Vecchio S, Lonati D, Petrolini VM, Aloise M, Buscaglia E, Mazzoleni M, Siri S, Rognoni C, Manzo L, Locatelli C.
XXXII International Congress of the European Association of Poisons Centers and Clinical Toxicologists, London ; 29 May–1 June 2012
Remote botanical identification in the management of plants poisoning: a useful telemedicine experience.
Vecchio S , Petrolini VM, Bracco F, Aloise M, Lonati D, Giampreti A, Chiara F, Rognoni C, Buscaglia E, Manzo L, Locatelli CA.
XXXII International Congress of the European Association of Poisons Centers and Clinical Toxicologists, London ; 29 May–1 June 2012
Evaluation of toxic effects after accidental oral administration of methylergometrine in infants.
Vecchio S, Petrolini VM, Scaravaggi G, Lonati D, Giampreti A, Buscaglia E, Mazzoleni M, Rognoni C, Locatelli CA.
XXXII International Congress of the European Association of Poisons Centers and Clinical Toxicologists, London ; 29 May–1 June 2012
GHB acute intoxication in Italy: recreational drug intoxication or medication overdose ?
Petrolini V, Keser E, Vecchio S, Giampreti A, Lonati D, Rognoni C, Bigi S, Manzo L, Locatelli CA.
XXXII International Congress of the European Association of Poisons Centers and Clinical Toxicologists, London ; 29 May–1 June 2012
Inalazione di vapori di mercurio in seguito a rottura di termometri in prossimità di fonti di calore: casistica clinica del Centro Antiveleni di Pavia.
Giampreti A, Lonati D, Petrolini V, Vecchio S, Chiara F, Aloise M, Mazzoleni M, Buscaglia E, Siri S, Rognoni C, Ronchi A, Manzo L, Locatelli C.
16° Congresso Nazionale SITOX. La Tossicologia nell’era della globalizzazione: sicurezza d’uso e nuovi mercati. Giardini Naxos (ME), Italia, 21-23 Marzo 2012.
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