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Lenses ``within'' Infinite Telescopes

We now illustrate by way of example that asymptotic curves look identical through an optical telescope.

The curves $ f(x)=1/x$ and $ g(x)=0$ are asymptotic. Let $ H$ be a positive infinite hyperinteger number and point a $ 1$-lens in $ (H,1/H)$. We can see that

$\displaystyle \left(H+1,\frac{1}{H+1}\right) \mapsto \left(1,\frac{1}{H+1}-\frac{1}{H} \right) =

and by taking the standard parts, the optical $ 1$-lens maps

$\displaystyle \left(H+1,\frac{1}{H+1}\right) \mapsto (1,0)

as $ -1/(H+1)H$ is infinitesimal. As such, a point in the form $ (H+r,1/(H+r))$, where $ r\in [0,1]$, is mapped in the point $ (r,0)$, and this means that $ f(x)$ is indistinguishable from $ g(x)$ when $ x$ is infinite.

However, we can point an astigmatic lens ``within'' the telescope in $ (H,1/H)$, in order to visualize what really happens at infinity:

$\displaystyle (x,y) \mapsto \left(x-H,\frac{y-\frac{1}{H}}{\frac{1}{H}}\right)

and, then, we obtain that a point on the hyperreal graph of $ f$ is mapped again as follows

$\displaystyle \left(H+r,\frac{1}{H+r}\right) \mapsto
\left(r,\frac{-r}{H+r}\right) \mapsto (r,0)

and the corresponding point of $ g$

$\displaystyle (H+r,0) \mapsto (r,-1).

Figure 4: The graph of $ f(x)=1/x$ through an optical telescope.

Hence, if we point a more powerful astigmatic lens within the telescope, we can see that the graphs of $ f$ and $ g$ are straight, distinct, and parallel lines at infinity.

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Riki 2002-09-01