ADS Technical
| |
Lab is located at the
D floor of the Electronics Department, University of
How to reach us:
| From Milan:
Take the A7 freeway "Milano - Genova", go out at Bereguardo,
follow the indications to Pavia. Go out of the "tangenziale" when
you find the indication "Istituti Universitari". Turn right at the
stop and turn left after the bridge; the University parking is on your right. |
Look at the maps
and at the pictures.
From Genova: Take
the A7 freeway "Genova - Milano",go out at Bereguardo,
follow the indications to Pavia. Go out of the " tangenziale"
when you find the indication "Istituti Universitari".
Turn right at the stop and turn left after the bridge; the
University parking is on your right. |
Look at the maps
and at the pictures.
| From A21 freeway
"Torino -
Piacenza - Brescia", go out at Casteggio, follow the indications to
Pavia (around 20 km). Entering Pavia, take the "Tangenziale Ovest"
for 5 km; go out of the " tangenziale" when you find the
indication "Istituti Universitari". Turn right at the stop and
turn left after the bridge; the University parking is on your right. |
Look at the maps
and at the pictures.
Contact us
- Telephone
+39 0382
+39 0382 422583
- Address
via Ferrata, 1 - 27100 Pavia
- E - mail
Danilo Manstretta
Webmaster: Sanz