Specific educational targets

The aim of the course is to provide skilles and competences about typical informatics methodologies and technologies involved in industrial processes amnagement. At the end of the course, the student should be able to deal with the computer interfacing with different control systems, to acquire data coming from sesors, to dirve usual industrial actuators and to implement simple digital filtering on the acquired signals.
Moreover, throughout the course and in a specific section, the student will be introduced to embedded systems with an overview of typical computer architectures employed in this field.

Course program

Data acquisition
Digitale interfacing and signal detection with levels and edges: digital COTS components driving (latch, buffer,
counters). Electrical and algorithmic filtering. Algorithms and their C implementation for pulse signals acquisition, for
incremental optical encoders interfacing, for angular velocity detection.
Pulse emission and numerical codes from absolute encoders acquisition.

Analogic interfacing
Data acquisition chain, commercial component and examples. Techniques for transducing, multiplexing, ADC conversion. Sigma/Delta converters.Hints on linearisation, calibration and numeric ARMA filtering: mobile average and exponential digital filters.

Motors drivers
DC motors and servomotors hw/sw interfacing. PWM driving and H-bridge devices.

Communication interfaces
Introction to parallel and serial communications: bit, character, message synchronisation. Baseband codification and
modulation. Specific examples with high level codes related to GPIB IEEE 488, RS232, RS485 parallel and serial buses. Assembly code for USART device driving and example of a C code for serial point-to-point communication.

Numeric filters
Low-pass, High-pass, Band-pass filters. IIR, FIR, autoregressive moving-average (ARMA) filters.

Filed buses
General issues on field buses communication networks. Details on FIP and CAN buses.

Embedded systems
ARM 7 processor architecture. Instruction Set. Memory access and assembly code examples. Memory access and interrupt management.

Short course held by prof. Atienza (EPFL – University of Lausanne)
Ultra-low power wearable sensors

Requirements of previously acquired competences
General knowledge of Electronics, Industrial Electronics, Computers Architectures and Informatics Fundamentals.


Teaching support

Wayne Wolf. Computer as components. Morgan Kaufmann. Reference English text for Embedded systems.

Francesco Leporati. Slides of the course in English.

William Fornaciari, Carlo Brandolese. Sistemi Embedded. Pearson Prentice Hall (in Italian language).

Lorenzo Mezzalira. Informatica Industriale. Handouts adopted for the analog course held at the Polytechnic of Milan.
Reference text for digital and analogic interfacing, communication techniqeus and filed buses in italian).