Annual General Meeting

to be held during the 18th IBAC Symposium, Cogne, Italy

Thursday 6th September, 1700-1745  hrs.

All symposium participants are urged to join this short meeting and help to plan the future of IBAC

1.                       Chairman’s opening statement

2.                       Minutes of the last AGM (Chartres, France, April 1999) and matters arising

3.                       Election of Executive Committee members
The committee is a maximum of 6 members who currently are: Gianni Pavan (Chairman), Richard Ranft (Honorary Secretary), Thierry Aubin, Matija Gogala, Hong Yan, Michael Fine.

4.                       Venues for next IBAC symposia
It is recommended that proposals are first discussed with one of the committee members in advance of the meeting.

5.           Other business