XX IBAC Congress

Piran/Pirano, Slovenia, September 15-19, 2005

The Congress was organized by the Slovenian Museum of Natural History, the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts and the National Institute of Biology.

The Congress was held at the Marine Biology Station of NIB, Piran/Pirano, Slovenia, on September 15-19, 2005.

Prof. Dr. Matija Gogala (matija.gogala@guest.arnes.si), Dr. Tomi Trilar (ttrilar@pms-lj.si),
Dr. Ignac Sivec, Dr. Andrej Gogala, Janez Presern, Mojmir Stangelj.

Prof. Dr. Andrej Cokl (Slovenia), Prof. Dr. Matija Gogala (Slovenia),
Dr. Nicholas Mathevon (France), Dr. Gianni Pavan (Italy),
Richard Ranft (UK), Dr. Tomi Trilar (Slovenia),
Prof. Dr. Jacques Vielliard (Brazil), Dr. Meta Virant-Doberlet (Slovenia).

Dr. Thierry Aubin (France), Prof. Dr. Matija Gogala (Slovenia),
Prof. Dr. Ole Naesby Larsen (Danmark), Richard Ranft (UK),
Dr. Maria Luisa da Silva (Brazil) and Prof. Dr. Dietmar Todt (Germany).


Home Page of the IBAC - International BioAcoustic Council
Home Page of the Centro Interdisciplinare di Bioacustica e Ricerche Ambientali (CIBRA)i 

Page compiled by Gianni Pavan, updated October, 2005.