Università degli Studi di PaviaCentro Interdisciplinare di Bioacustica e Ricerche AmbientaliVia Taramelli 24 - 27100 Pavia - Italye-mail : cibra@unipv.it Suggested readings (hints for other books are welcome!)Bioacoustics Obrist M.K., Pavan G., Sueur J., Riede K., Llusia
D. & Márquez R., 2010. Bioacoustic approaches in
biodiversity inventories. In: Manual on Field Recording
Techniques and Protocols for All Taxa Biodiversity
Inventories, Abc Taxa, Vol. 8: 68-99. http://www.abctaxa.be/volumes/volume-8-manual-atbi/volumes/volume-8-manual-atbi/chapter-5/ The whole book is
available online at: http://www.abctaxa.be/volumes/volume-8-manual-atbi
BRADBURY J.W., S.L. VEHRENCAMP, Principles of animal communication. Sinauer Associates, Massachusetts, 1998. ISBN 0-87893-100-7. CATCHPOLE C.K., SLATER P.J.B., Bird Song: Biological themes and variations. Cambridge University Press, 1995. ISBN 0-521-41799-6. DROSOPOULOS S., M.F. CLARIDGE (editors), Insect sounds
and communication: physiology, behaviour, ecology and
evolution. Taylor & Francis, 2006. ISBN 0-8493-2060-7. Farina A., Soundscape Ecology. Principle, Patterns,
Methods and Applications, Springer, 2014
Farina A. & Gauge S.H. (Editors), Ecoacoustics. The ecological role of sound. Wiley. Fristrup K.M., Mennitt D., 2012. Bioacoustical monitoring
in terrestrial environments, Acoustics Today, 8-3: 16-24 HOPP S.L., M.J. OWREN, C.S. EVANS (editors), Animal Acoustic Communication. Springer-Verlag Berlin/Heidelberg 1998. ISBN 3-540-53353-2. GERHARDT C., F. HUBER, Acoustic Communication in Insects and Anurans: Common Problems and Diverse Solutions. Univ of Chicago Press 2002. ISBN 0226288331. KROODSMA D.E., E.H. MILLER, Ecology and Evolution of Acoustic Communication in Birds. Cornell University Press 1996. ISBN 0-8014-8221-6. KROODSMA D.E., The Singing Life of Birds: The Art and Science of Listening to Birdsong. Houghton Mifflin Co., 2005. ISBN 0618405682. MARLER P., H. SLABBEKOORN (editors), Nature's Music: The Science of Birdsong. Elsevier Academic Press, 2004. ISBN 12-473070-1 KRAUSE B., 2002. "Wild Soundscapes: Discovering the Voice of the Natural World" with CD. Recording techniques (not related with nature recording) BALLOW G., 2008. "Handbook for Sound Engineers: Fourth Edition". Focal Press. http://www.stereosoundbook.com/ Underwater bioacoustics - Invertebrates and Fishes WEBB J.F., POPPER A.N., FAY R.R., 2008. Fish Bioacoustics. Springer: 1-319. Underwater Bioacoustics – Marine Mammals AU W.W.L., HASTINGS M.C., 2008. Principles of Marine Bioacoustics. Springer: 1-679. AA.VV., 2003. Ocean noise and marine mammals. The National Academies Press AU W.W.L., 1993. The Sonar of Dolphins. Springer-Verlag: 1-277. MERRIL J. (Ed.), 2004. Human-generated Ocean Sound and the Effects on Marine Life. MTS Journal, Volume 37 (4), Winter 2003/2004. RICHARDSON W.J., GREENE C.R. JR, MALME C.J., THOMSON D.H., 1995. Marine Mammals and Noise. Academic Press: 1-576. SIMMONDS et al. (Editors), 2004. Oceans of Noise. A WDCS Science Report: 1-168. URICK R.J., 1983. Principles of underwater sound.
McGraw-Hill, New York: 1-423. COZZI B. (Editor), 2007. Marine mammals of the
Mediterranean and Black Sea. Natural History and
Biomedicine. Published by ACCOBAMS. The Coffee House,
Massimo Valdina Editore. ZIMMER W.M.X., 2011. Passive Acoustic Monitoring of
Cetaceans. Cambridge Press.
In Pavia può essere ordinato presso la Libreria CLU, Via San Fermo 3; oppure direttamente all'editore scrivendo a massimo.valdina@libero.it
Per una lettura completa dei vari e complessi temi dell'acustica è disponibile il nuovo volume ACUSTICA, edito da UTET, curato dal Prof. Spagnolo, che rappresenta la più' completa opera sull'argomento.
E finalmente compaiono anche la bioacustica e l'ecologia acustica.
Created August 2005; updated June 2017