![]() Università degli Studi di PaviaDipartimento di Scienze della
Terra e dell'Ambiente Centro Interdisciplinare di Bioacustica e Ricerche AmbientaliPhD Program in Earth and Environmental
Sciences (CICLE
TITLE: Bioacoustics
and Ecoacoustics applied to environmental management:
scaled monitoring of acoustic biodiversity, acoustic
richness and acoustic quality of habitats with
different level of protection and human presence. 3) SCIENTIFIC BACKGROUND: Ecoacoustics is an
interdisciplinary science that investigates natural and
anthropogenic sounds and their relationship with the
environment over a wide range of study scales, both
spatial and temporal, including populations
and communities. Ecoacoustics
operates in all types of terrestrial and aquatic
(freshwater and marine) ecosystems extending the scope
of acoustics and bioacoustics. Nature sounds can be both the subject and
tools of ecological research. As the subject, sounds are
investigated in order to understand their evolution,
functions and properties under environmental pressures.
As tools, sounds are used to study and monitor animal
diversity, abundance, behaviour, dynamics and
distribution, and their relationship with ecosystems and
the environment. The acoustic monitoring of habitats
provides information about the presence of vocalizing
animals and the level of noise related with human
activities. An analytic approach allows to identify the
vocalizing species, however this is time expensive and
requires experts. To easily process huge amounts of
acoustic data, research is aimed at developing “indexes”
to describe the acoustic environment in terms of
quality, quietness, richness, complexity and diversity 4)
RESEARCH DESCRIPTION: The research is being developed within the
SABIOD (Scaled Acoustic Biodiversity) project granted by
the French CNRS MASTODONS Project on Big Data
acquisition, analysis and processing. SABIOD started in
2014 in cooperation with the University of Toulon (DYNI
laboratories) and the JASON (Joint Acoustic Survey for
Online Biodiversit) Project. The
research developed by CIBRA (and collaborators LSIS and
Brisbane) is aimed at describing the acoustic
environment, also called soundscape, of natural habitats
with different level of protection and human presence.
By using autonomous remote recorders able to record
sounds for months (typical monitoring cycles are 2
months, with recording 10 minutes every 20 minutes,
repeated to cover a whole year) it is possible to
measure the anthropogenic noise and the sounds produced
by the animals. The acoustic recordings are coupled by
the measure of temperature, humidity, the two main
parameters, with the daily solar cycle, that drive the
acoustic behaviour of animals. The project has the support of the Italian
Forestry Police (CFS) that provides logistic support and
the access to nature reserves, including Integral Nature
Reserves, such as the RNI Sassofratino, in the National
Park “Foreste Casentinesi” where we develop the project.
The RNI received the Europen Diploma and is taken into
consideration for the UNESCO “Millenarium Forests”
program. Three mountain
habitats have been identified and monitored in 2014, two
on the Alps (June to October 2014), and two in Central
Italy, the RNI Sassofratino (May 2014 to February 2016)
and the Isle Palmaria (June to September 2015). In 2016 and 2017 the program will focus
more on the RNI Sassofratino with continuous monitoring
with two recorders located in the dense forest core and
one in an open transitional area to provide synchronous
recordings. Temperature and humidity data loggers are
used to monitor the two weather parameters that mainly
drive bird and insect singing activities. As in the site
several species of bats have been recognized in a
preliminary survey, a prototype of a permanent
ultrasonic monitoring device will be installed as well. We
will also install the DARKJASOR luxmeter from the Axe
Information of the University of Toulon. It is designed to
measure in large magnitude the sun and moon light, from
100 to 0.0001 lux, with only one cell in a low power
recorder. Then Darkjasor will allow to assess the
natural correlation between the night / day light and
the bioacoustic behavior of some bird and bats and other
animals. This information will be then compared with
other observations done in presence of human noise or
light pollution. Other
sites to be monitored in 2016 and 2017 are the Palmaria
Island (Portovenere, La Spezia) in the “Cinque Terre”
National Park, and some sites in the Padana plane. By working also on the hardware and
software side, a set of new instruments are being
developed and tested; among these, a multichannel
autonomous recorder dedicated to bat monitoring, a
web-connected acoustic recorder with temperature and
humidity logger able to publish in real-time the
spectrographic images of recorded sounds, a
web-connected ultrasound recorder and InfraRed
videorecorder to monitor bat colonies. Specific software
to analyse long recordings has been tuned to provide the
spectrographic image of the acoustic environment in 10
minutes, 1 hour, 6 hours, 24 hours, 1 week, 1 month time
frames. Results given by “indexes”, e.g. ACI (Acoustic
Complexity Index) and others, will be compared with
these compact spectrograms and with the analytic results
given by experts. A cooperation with the US NPS
(National Parks Service) will be established to adopt
common protocols for data acquisition and analysis. By using the
prototypes of the new instruments, ultrasonic monitoring
on two bats colonies is also planned, one in
Sassofratino (no cellphone coverage), one close to
Pavia. In May-June 2016 a
workshop will be organized in Cooperation with the
Italian Forestry Service to improve the understanding of
acoustic methods for the study and management of natural
habitats. The workshop will be targeted to the CFS
personnel, researchers, and high-level students. The
location will be in the National Park “Foreste
Casentinesi”. We will also
conduct similar experiences in the National Park of
Port-Cros in France, and / or the integral reserve of
Bagaud in front of Toulon. A LIFE project on
these topics is being developed for a future submission.
An INTERREG project with France is also under
development. 5)
EXPECTED RESULTS: The first years of the project are
dedicated at building a reference database of high
quality natural habitats in Italy, primarily Integral
Nature Reserves. The analysis of recordings produces a
reference library for species identification (to be used
for building classifiers) and indexes of quality,
anthropic noise level, bioacoustics richness,
bioacoustics complexity, bioacoustics diversity. In
literature there are no information about the noise
level and acoustic structure of natural sites. By
analysing the noise of the quietest places, a reference
noise model will be developed for comparing and scoring
habitats affected by anthropogenic noise and assessing
the impact on animal communities (e.g. communication
masking). In agreement with the CFS, a site in
Sassofratino will be monitored and compared with a
similar site being restored after years of human
alterations; acoustic results will provide cues to drive
the restoration process whose goal is to recover the
forest structure as close as possible to the RNI model. Results given by “indexes” developed by
other researcher will be compared with compact
spectrograms and with the analytic results given by
experts to setup a standard protocol for analysing and
comparing habitats. The effectiveness of new low-cost
instruments for acoustic monitoring will be also
demonstrated. Updated October 2016 |