The Volume/Issue is now available on ScienceDirect Applied Acoustics, Published by ELSEVIER Volume 71, Issue 11, Pages 991-1112 (November 2010) Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Detection, Classification and Localization of Marine Mammals Using Passive Acoustics and 1st International Workshop on Density Estimation of Marine Mammals Using Passive Acoustics Edited by Gianni Pavan, Olivier Adam and Len Thomas Contents Preface Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Detection, Classification and Localization of Marine Mammals using Passive Acoustics and 1st International Workshop on Density Estimation of Marine Mammals Using Passive Acoustics, University of Pavia, Collegio Cairoli, Italy, September 2009, 10–13 Pages 991-993 Gianni Pavan, Olivier Adam, Len Thomas Whale 3D monitoring using astrophysic NEMO ONDE two meters wide platform with state optimal filtering by Rao-Blackwell Monte Carlo data association Pages 994-999 Frédéric Bénard-Caudal, Pascale Giraudet, Hervé Glotin Space–time and hybrid algorithms for the passive acoustic localisation of sperm whales and vessels Pages 1000-1010 L. Houégnigan, S. Zaugg, M. van der Schaar, M. André Real-time acoustic classification of sperm whale clicks and shipping impulses from deep-sea observatories Pages 1011-1019 Serge Zaugg, Mike van der Schaar, Ludwig Houégnigan, Cédric Gervaise, Michel André Automatic detection of bioacoustics impulses based on kurtosis under weak signal to noise ratio Pages 1020-1026 C. Gervaise, A. Barazzutti, S. Busson, Y. Simard, N. Roy Detection of Blainville’s beaked whales with towed arrays Pages 1027-1035 A.M. von Benda-Beckmann, F.P.A. Lam, D.J. Moretti, K. Fulkerson, M.A. Ainslie, S.P. van IJsselmuide, J. Theriault, S.P. Beerens A dive counting density estimation method for Blainville’s beaked whale (Mesoplodon densirostris) using a bottom-mounted hydrophone field as applied to a Mid-Frequency Active (MFA) sonar operation Pages 1036-1042 D. Moretti, T.A. Marques, L. Thomas, N. DiMarzio, A. Dilley, R. Morrissey, E. McCarthy, J. Ward, S. Jarvis Comparison of beaked whale detection algorithms Pages 1043-1049 Tina M. Yack, Jay Barlow, Marie A. Roch, Holger Klinck, Steve Martin, David K. Mellinger, Douglas Gillespie 3D tracking of foraging belugas from their clicks: Experiment from a coastal hydrophone array Pages 1050-1056 Nathalie Roy, Yvan Simard, Cédric Gervaise Who is whistling? Localizing and identifying phonating dolphins in captivity Pages 1057-1062 R.M. López-Rivas, C. Bazúa-Durán Performance of a contour-based classification method for whistles of Mediterranean delphinids Pages 1063-1069 Alexandre Gannier, Sandra Fuchs, Paméla Quèbre, Julie N. Oswald Analysis of underwater mammal vocalisations using time–frequency-phase tracker Pages 1070-1080 Cornel Ioana, Cédric Gervaise, Yann Stéphan, Jerôme I. Mars Estimating whale density from their whistling activity: Example with St. Lawrence beluga Pages 1081-1086 Y. Simard, N. Roy, S. Giard, C. Gervaise, M. Conversano, N. Ménard Detecting marine mammals with an adaptive sub-sampling recorder in the Bering Sea Pages 1087-1092 Jennifer L. Miksis-Olds, Jeffrey A. Nystuen, Susan E. Parks Anthropogenic sound exposure of marine mammals from seaways: Estimates for Lower St. Lawrence Seaway, eastern Canada Pages 1093-1098 Y. Simard, R. Lepage, C. Gervaise Detection range modeling of blue whale calls in Southwestern Indian Ocean Pages 1099-1106 Flore Samaran, Olivier Adam, Christophe Guinet Subunit definition and analysis for humpback whale call classification Pages 1107-1112 Federica Pace, Frederic Benard, Herve Glotin, Olivier Adam, Paul White |