The European Union Review 






  Manuscripts are reviewed with the understanding that they are substantially new, have not been previously published in whole (including book chapter) or in part (including exhibits), have not been previously accepted for publication, are not under consideration by any other publisher, and will not be submitted elsewhere until a decision is reached regarding their publication in The European Union Review.

  Each manuscript should have an abstract page, that should contain the title, a 50-80 word abstract, author’s name, affiliation, address, telephone number, fax number and electronic mail address. Short titles are invited for use as running heads.   



Notes should be placed at the foot of the page. They should be used in citing references and in integrating substantive comments.  



A list of references or works consulted (alphabetical, by author’s last name) should follow the manuscript. Authors should make certain that there is a complete reference for every citation in the text and that the cited dates and spelling of authors names in both text and references are in agreement.

The following examples should provide instances of proper form for most entries.


Monnet Jean, Mémoires, Fayard, Paris, 1976.

Article in a collection:

Maillet Pierre, Champs et modalités d’application de la géometrie variable, in Pierre Maillet and Dario Velo (eds.), L’Europe à géométrie variable. Transition vers l’intégration, L’Harmattan, Paris, 1994, pp. 77-126.

Article in a journal:

Peter-Christian Muller-Graff, “The Treaty of Amsterdam. Characteristics and Perspectives”, in The European Union Review, Vol. 5, no. 2, 2000, pp. 7-21.


Manuscript submission

Authors are asked to submit three copies of the manuscript as well as a copy on computer disk. The author should also submit a short biography of him/herself.

Manuscripts should be submitted to the Editor and addressed to:

AUSE, Centro Studi sulle Comunità Europee Strada Nuova, 65 - 27100 Pavia, Italia



The version of the text accepted by the Scientific Board must be submitted on an IBM or compatible diskette in WinWord.