The European Union Review, Vol. 14 No. 2-3  2009


La Politique Industrielle Européenne: Vision Stratégique, Casino ou Jeux de Sauterelles?


         Sabine Urban -  Université de Strasbourg, France


Industrial development is of high importance to create richness and thus develop socio-economic expansion. However this evidence seems not to be assimilated by the majority of political leaders in Europe. Is this an expression of lack of ideas or of political will or both? An optimist observer may think that nevertheless things are on the way; a pessimistic one may deplore that industries are rather flowing away like grasshoppers. In this paper the Author tries to discern the effective strategy underlying the “European industrial policy” from the beginning of the European Union story to nowadays, i.e. the enlarged Europe evolving in a global fast interacting world. A clear vision is needed but too many European actors are reluctant to look ahead in order to maintain and develop a very rich existent human and technological capital. It is a call for fresh blood and more European spirit, but the available time for action is short!


Keywords: Industrial Policy; Socio-economic Development; Competition

Mots-clé: Politique industrielle; Développement socio-économique; Concurrence