The European Union Review 



L’Europe comme réponse aux défis 21e siècle

Pierre Maillet - Université de Lille I, France


The countries of Europe face many challenges in the century ahead, amongst which are ageing populations, the growth of the knowledge economy, and globalisation in economic, political and cultural matters.  Yet, although these trends are challenges, they should not be beyond Europe's capacity, and need not be feared if viewed from the perspective of co-ordinated multinational action rather from that of individual countries seeking their own solutions. The movement launched 50 years ago to establish a European reality must be pursued with continued vigour.  However, priorities have shifted:  as well as internal restructuring, external strategies must be developed; economic priorities (the Common Market) must give way to political and social-based priorities. By implementing this turnabout, we shall be in a position to recreate citizen interest in a United Europe, by showing that it forms both the best defence against fears for the future and the best asset to put this future at the service of the hopes and ambitions of its citizens.