The European Union Review 



Une vision élargie de la coordination budgétaire dans l’Union Européenne

Pierre Maillet - Université de Lille I, France


The idea that Monetary Union must be supported by Community action aimed at ensuring coherence of domestic budgetary strategies is currently very widely accepted. However, the idea often remains fairly abstract, through lack of precise definition of the budgets at issue and also remains partial, by privileging economic conditions; it is also somewhat unrealistic, as it does not make distinctions by country, nor by the institutional procedures through which such coordination should and can be implemented. Therefore, a broadening of the classical viewpoint is required, which we shall endeavour to achieve, after having discussed the main points of the standard view, and their inadequacies (Section 1). We shall then give a broad outline of what could be a true budgetary co-ordination in an increasingly integrated Europe (Section 2).