The European Union Review 



Fédéralisme européen et politiques sociales

Raimondo Cagiano de Azevedo - University of Rome "La Sapienza", Italy


A number of measures have been adopted by all European Union countries to tackle unemployment. Unfortunately, we are bound to observe that they have been unsuccessful, in view of Europe's persisting and significant unemployment. Redundant workers and people, in general, all want something different, but when solutions are found, the tendency is to consider social phenomena as a whole and to standardize solutions. This is not only in contradiction with the personal dimension of problems, but also contradicts technological, economic and civil development in our societies. With this target in view, European solutions must be found for European problems and domestic solutions found for domestic problems. As regards the European Community, this kind of answer is exclusively possible from a federalist point of view: a federalism able to find its driving force and a democratic control of European economy, within the framework of the European Parliament. A European Parliament which would take the differences in requirements and cultures, including the current attitudes of our societies, into account and consider these differences as values to enhance and not just as irritations to be set aside. To achieve the above, we must prepare with awareness, precision, culture and accurate choices. It is our opinion that personalized and global federalism can achieve this purpose.